What is VIRTUAL therapy?

By Lydia Sterry | Submitted 2023

Until recently, virtual reality has been something of a fantasy in movies and for technologists. However, now that the technology is becoming cheaper and more widespread we are now seeing more innovative uses emerging. Virtual reality is presenting us with the possibility of changing the way we communicate with each other and ourselves.

Some are making virtual reality a part of their day-to-day lives already. Some prefer to spend the majority of their time in virtual spaces. As virtual reality becomes more realistic and captivating, it seems understandable why some may spend more of their time in virtual environments. In some ways we could say we’re almost becoming ‘virtual humans’. ‘Second life’ virtual reality is a good example of this, where it has replaced the ‘real life’ of some individuals with positive and negative effects.

Overall though, embracing this technological paradigm shift may also bring into focus, how we could recreate, develop and change our own reality. In that, our virtual world may give us the opportunity to expand our thinking of our lives and how we might like to change our actual 'real world'. From here, we could essentially highlight and question our overall ‘existence’. In that what does our virtual existence means to us? How might we want to develop or shape it to improve our lives? What lessons could we take from the virtual world?

Whilst this exploration can be done through traditional therapy, it could also be explored on a different level through the virtual world. In the vitual world there is a chance to examine how we project ourselves in the world we have created. We could gain insight into our responses and examine what virtual reality highlights about our lives. In some ways, this virtual tool has the potential to increase our awareness of ourselves in different ways compared to face to face therapy sessions.

Whether you’re an enthusiast, a sceptic or somewhere in the middle, virtual reality therapy maybe something you would like to explore. It has already been shown to be life enhancing and valuable for some.

If you would like to know more about existential virtual reality therapy simply email progressiveprocess@live.com.au or click here to book your free virtual reality consultation.