Drafting a Professional Therapy Will for Health Professionals
Developed by Lydia Sterry B.A (hons) M.A
"Will my clients react and adapt well enough to my death, my absence or my illness?"
"Have I ever thought about this along with the consequences?"
"One day I’ll write a Professional Therapy Will"
"I think my notes are 'SORT OF' in order if someone needed to take over"
“I have in-depth intake forms, it’ll be easy for someone to take over”
"I don’t want to think about the CONSEQUENCES of not having a Therapy Will"
"I wish I had the TIME"
Perhaps it's time we pause to address this unspoken aspect of being a therapist.
Discussing the creation of a 'professional will' can lead to interesting conversations.
We might find it’s something we have never really considered.
We might find it’s something we have thought about many times.
Where ever you are on the scale, it might be worth considering “HOW” you might attempt to put something in place.
This ONLINE VIDEO & POWER POINT workshop is designed to lift that heavy burden and give you all the tools needed to tackle this mammoth task.
The focus involves supporting you through the road ahead from start to finish.
Overall, the course content fulfils a unique reflection of the many sections that need to be considered when writing your 'drafted will document'.
Whether you're a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, chaplain, pastoral carer, social worker, doctor, death doula, etc., you may benefit from this course.
Reflecting on your BLOCKAGES to getting started or finishing your professional will
Gaining a deeper understanding of HOW to draft or modify your existing professional will
Offering the LATEST current information on professional wills
Providing detailed sample professional letters
Preparing & ORGANISING extensive RECORDS and other materials
Considering how to close your professional Virtual and Digital print
An opportunity to ponder existential themes
Contemplating on who may cover you or take over your practice
Providing space to REFLECT on your TRUE preferences of your practice in the event of an unplanned absence or DEATH
Videos Modules: 6
Slides: 46
Hand out files: 6
Approx. duration: 2 hours (but please allow for extra time to write up your own draft ready for a lawyer to sign off)
Time frame to complete: 3 months
COST: $50
Qualifies for PACFA CPD, Category A and B
Add to cart to begin this THOUGHT PROVOKING process of drafting your professional 'therapy will'.